SAGE Knowledge

NameSAGE Knowledge
DescriptionSAGE platform within the social sciences with access to SAGE Books (research monographs, textbooks, practical professional books), CQ Press (resources in political science) and SAGE Reference (encyclopedias and handbooks).

Keyword (format)Format: e-books; books; encyclopedias
Keyword (contents)Subject: business and management; criminology; education; environment; health care; social care; media and communication; cultural studies; politics and international relations; psychology; social work; sociology; religion; theology
Trefwoord (vorm)
Trefwoord (inhoud)
SchoolTilburg Law School
Tilburg School of Catholic Theology
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences
Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
 Time period covered
Start year
End YearCurrent
Time gap
 Document delivery
AccessCampus and RDS
 Additional resources