About this service
This service shows a list of databases that might be useful in your search for information. The databases were selected by information specialists of Tilburg University. You can use the list to quickly navigate to and access a database you know, or to search for new databases to use in your research.
- Filter the list alphabetically by first letter of title. This option is most useful when you know which database you need. It will present all databases of which the name starts with the letter you picked.
- Filter the list by entering a term. This options shows those databases that contain the word you entered in any of the database title, description, or keywords columns. If you enter multiple terms, the result will be databases that match all terms. Please note: this does not search inside the database itself (so it does not look for publications in a database).
- Click the title to access and search the contents of the database. This causes the database to open. Some links will not open a database directly, but will first show an extra page with login information. A small number of databases has no link, because these can not be accessed online.
- Click a keyword to see all databases associated with that keyword. Each database has a number of keywords associated with it. There are keywords about content and about form. When you click one of the keywords, all databases with this keyword will be shown. To combine multiple keywords, you can manually enter the keywords in the search box. Databases that are available in Dutch only have Dutch keywords in addition to the English ones.
- Click the More ... link in the description field to find even more descriptive information about the database. The main list of databases shows the most important information about each database. A second page often provides even more information, such as links to manuals, the time period covered by the database, and the school that will find the database most useful.
Icons explained
Each description contains an icon that explains the type of access and type of contents of the database. This section explains what the icons mean. Please note that you can click any of the icons to filter the list of databases to that access option.
Access | Meaning | |
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Campus and RDS | You can access this database when your computer is recognized as being part of Tilburg University's network. This is the case if you use one of the fixed work stations on campus, if you log in to the Tilburg University wireless network as a Tilburg University member of staff or student, or when you use a RDS connection. |
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Data lab pc | Only available on dedicated workstations in the Data Lab, located in Library building. You need to physically be at the workstation in the library. |
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EZproxy | Staff and students can access this database off-campus by clicking the title link and logging in through our Single Sign-On. These databases can usually also be accessed via 'Campus and VPN'. |
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Open/free access | Availabe to anyone and anywhere, no login required. |
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Single Sign-On | Requires you to sign in using your Tilburg University username and password. |
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User account | You need to create your own personal login to access this site. Create a username and password, but make sure you do not use your Tilburg University password. In many cases, your first visit needs to be on Tilburg University campus to sign up (so the site knows you are entitled to access it based on a Tilburg University subscription). After that, you can log in using the username and password you created. |
Full text content | Meaning | |
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Entirely full text | You can read the entire publication (article or book) on your computer. In most cases you can download the text as html or pdf. In some cases, usually with e-books, you can only read the text while you are online. |
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Partially full text | You can read some of the publications in their entirety. Other publications may only have an abstract
available. This is usually the case in databases where Tilburg University subscribes to part of the
content, e.g. a limited set of journals.
If you need access to content that is not available, you will have to look elsewhere. Write down the information and try to find the publication in one of our other databases, such as WorldCat Discovery. Sometimes you will find a link to TiUfinder. Click that link to check whether we have access to the full text of the publication through one of our other databases. Another option to get the publication is to request it via Interlibrary Loan. |
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No full text | You will find descriptions of publications, but to read the publication you will have to look
elsewhere. Write down the information and try to find the publication in one of our other databases,
such as WorldCat Discovery.
Sometimes you will find a link to TiUfinder. Click that link to check whether we have access to the full text of the publication through one of our other databases. Another option to get the publication is to request it via Interlibrary Loan. |