Library of Catholic Thought

NameLibrary of Catholic Thought
DescriptionThe Library of Catholic Thought presents resources for studying the development of Catholic thought and theology. Catholic biblical interpretation, key figures in the history of Catholic thought and doctrines, themes, and events. Works on the interaction between Catholicism and modern science, and on the history of Catholic moral theology.

A key element of the Library is the new fully revised third edition of the Jerome Biblical Commentary. In addition to the biblical commentaries themselves, which are linked to a digital edition of the New American Bible, topical articles cover such themes as social justice, ethics, the bible in the life of the Church and the bible in diverse contexts.
Keyword (format)Format: ebooks; articles; references
Keyword (contents)Subject: cultural studies; philosophy; religion; theology
Trefwoord (vorm)
Trefwoord (inhoud)
SchoolTilburg School of Catholic Theology
 Time period covered
Start year
End Year
Time gap
 Document delivery
AccessCampus and RDS
 Additional resources