Case Centre

NameCase Centre
DescriptionThe Case Centre is an organization that focuses entirely on providing material and assistance related to teaching with case studies. It holds a large and diverse collection of management cases, articles, book chapters and teaching materials. Cases deal with all aspects of national and international business and management. Most cases are accompanied by complementary teaching notes. To log in and to find free cases, follow the instructions on How do you find (existing) case studies? (Employees only)

Keyword (format)Format: case studies
Keyword (contents)Subject: business ethics; entrepreneurship; economics; finance; Human Resource Management; international business and management; leadership; marketing; organization studies; strategic management
Trefwoord (vorm)
Trefwoord (inhoud)
SchoolTilburg Law School
Tilburg School of Catholic Theology
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences
Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
 Time period covered
Start year
End Year
Time gap
 Document delivery
AccessUser account (create your own)
 Additional resources
 Registration with TiU email address; access only for TiU-employees
Case Centre: Online product search
How do you find (existing) case studies?