Religious Minorities Online

NameReligious Minorities Online
DescriptionReligious Minorities Online (RMO) is an open access, peer-reviewed academic resource on religious minorities worldwide, published by De Gruyter.

In the introductory essay, the editors advance a conceptual clarification and provide a critical overview of current debates and theoretical discussions about religious minorities.

RMO articles are divided into four sections, comprising articles:
• on key themes in the study of religious minorities,
• on specific countries and regions,
• on specific religious communities and the challenges they face as minorities in different
societal contexts, and
• on current research projects, focused theoretical and methodological issues, and relevant case studies.

Keyword (format)Format: articles
Keyword (contents)Subject: anthropology; black studies; cultural studies; religion; religious studies; social sciences; theology
Trefwoord (vorm)
Trefwoord (inhoud)Onderwerp: religie; sociale wetenschappen; theologie
SchoolTilburg School of Catholic Theology
Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences
Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
 Time period covered
Start year
End Year
Time gap
 Document delivery
AccessOpen/free access
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