Jesuit Historiography Online

NameJesuit Historiography Online
DescriptionJesuit Historiography Online (JHO) is an Open Access resource offering over seventy historiographical essays written by experts in their field. Aimed at scholars of Jesuit history and at those in all overlapping areas, the essays in JHO provide summaries of key texts from the earlier literature, painstaking surveys of more recent work, and digests of archival and online resources. Crucially, the scope of the essays is global: they cover both Anglophone and non-Anglophone sources and scholarship from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. The result is much more than a bibliographical check-list: authors explore trends in Jesuit historiography and provide a nuanced, systematic, and in-depth analysis of what has been written—when, why, and by whom—about arguably the most prolific, diverse, and wide-ranging religious order within the Roman Catholic tradition.

Keyword (format)Format: articles; bibliography; bibliographies; essays; references
Keyword (contents)Subject: church history; history; religion; religious studies; theology
Trefwoord (vorm)
Trefwoord (inhoud)
SchoolTilburg School of Catholic Theology
Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences
 Time period covered
Start yearFrom the 16th Century to the present
End Year
Time gap
 Document delivery
AccessOpen/free access
 Additional resources