Collected courses of The Hague Academy of International Law - Recueil des Cours

NameCollected courses of The Hague Academy of International Law - Recueil des Cours
DescriptionDatabase with a great number of encyclopedic publications on public and private international law.

Database with a great number of encyclopedic publications on public and private international law. Academics, practitioners and diplomats from all over the world are invited by The Hague Academy to give courses in English or French (with simultaneous interpretation). These courses are on general or specialized subjects and take the form of a lecture series. More than 380 volumes are available.
Keyword (format)Format: lectures; e-books
Keyword (contents)Subject: law; international law
Trefwoord (vorm)
Trefwoord (inhoud)
Tilburg Law School
 Time period covered
Start year1923
End YearCurrent
Time gap
 Document delivery
AccessCampus and RDS
 Additional resources